Saturday, March 3, 2012

Vas Happenin this week

Hai. I'm gonna show you all what happen this week. By the way, this is my last week in 02 es (my own school were under construction)
1. Kerkel Di rumah ana
     Hari Rabu kita kerkel di rumah ana. For our music project (no, i'm not gonna held a concert-_-) (?). Kita mau nampilin born this way :3 dan ana main gitar (?) Jadi pas main gitar pik gitar nya (pik itu gimana tulisannya-_-) masuk ke gitarnya. Lalu dinda berusaha ngambilin pik nya dengan ngocok-ngocok gitarnya. the end-_-

2. Hari Jum'at. Hari terakhir kita numpang di 02. Hari terakhir. Semua orang pada beli cimol telor yang legendaris itu (?) Dan pulang sekolah gua solat, dan abis solat kita foto-foto.
Ana, Rachma, Alma

Rachma, harnum
Alma and.....................the incridible me(?)
Alma and gita. eaaaa mesra bingit

What a busy week. It's tough. And i didn't even have a time to watch my boys, one direction (lied, i watch them everytime i could!) but i really study hard, do my homework (50% true), and prepare for the mid test. that busy. Thanks for the visit by the way. Now you have to.......(watch the video below)
i'm kidding-_- don'tttttttt everrrrrr leaaaaaaveee meeeeee alooneeeeee.